Meeting Materials
Madhu Chawla, OD, President
Donna Burke, Vice President
Lillian Wang, OD, Secretary
Cyd Brandvein
Martha Garcia, CLD, SLD
Glenn Kawaguchi, OD
Debra McIntyre, OD
Rachel Michelin
Mark Morodomi, JD
Maria Salazar Sperber. JD
David Turetsky, OD
January 26, 2017
8:30 A.M. – 3:00 P.M.
(or until conclusion of business)
Department of Consumer Affairs
HQ2 - Ruby Room
1747 North Market Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95834
January 27, 2017
9:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
(or until conclusion of business)
Department of Consumer Affairs
HQ1 - Hearing Room
1625 North Market Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95834
While the Board intends to webcast this meeting, it may not be possible to webcast the entire open meeting due to limitations of resources.
January 26, 2017
8:30 am
1. Call to Order/Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum
2. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda
Note: The Board may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting [Government Code Sections 11125, 11125.7(a)].
4. Recess
January 27, 2017
9:00 am
5. Call to Order/Roll Call and Establishment of a Quorum
6. Public Comment for Items Not on the Agenda
Note: The Board may not discuss or take action on any matter raised during this public comment section, except to decide whether to place the matter on the agenda of a future meeting [Government Code Sections 11125, 11125.7(a)].
A. Welcome and Introductions
B. 2017 Board Meeting Dates and Locations
8. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
A. September 23, 2016
B. October 21, 2016
C. November 4, 2016
D. November 21, 2016
10. Executive Officer’s Report
A. BreEZe
B. Budget
C. Personnel
D. Examination and Licensing Programs
E. Enforcement Program
11. Bagley Keene-Open Meetings Act, Ethics and Conflict of Interest Training Summary by Legal Counsel
13. Update on 2016 Legislation Impacting Healing Arts Boards and the Practice of Optometry
14. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on Legislative Proposals
A. Children’s Vision; Education Code § 49455
B. Inspection Authority; Business and Professions Code (BPC) § 3030
C. Unlicensed Practice; BPC § 3040
D. NPDB Continuous Query; Eligibility for Licensure; BPC § 3046
E. License Barriers for Out-of-State Licensed Optometrists; BPC § 3057
F. Foreign Graduate Pathways; Eligibility for Examinations; BPC § 3057.5
G. RDO Program’s Registration Expiration and Renewal Authority; BPC § 2420 and 2423
A. Amendment to California Code of Regulations (CCR) § 1582 Unprofessional Conduct and Amendment to CCR § 1516 Application Review and Criteria for Rehabilitation Following Disapproval
B. Amendment to CCR § 1523 Licensure Examination Requirements to Update Form 39A-1. Rev. 7-09, Form OLA-2, Rev. 11/07, and Form LBC-4, rev. 2/07
C. Amendments to CCR § 1536 Continuing Optometric Education; Purpose and Requirements
D. Amendment to CCR § 1514.1 Co-Location Reporting Requirement
E. Amendment to CCR § 1502 Delegation of Functions
F. Amendment to CCR § 1530.1 Qualifications of Foreign Graduates
G. Amendment to CCR § 1506 Certificates – Posting
H. Amendment to CCR § 1523.5 Abandonment of Applications
I. Addition to CCR § 1503 Relating To Accreditation of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
16. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on Implementing SB 482 and SB 1478; Proposed Amendments to California Code of Regulations (CCR) § 1525 Relating to License Renewals
17. Update, Discussion, and Possible Action on Implementing AB 1359; Proposed Amendments to CCR § 1568 Relating to Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents Certification Requirements
19. Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(c)(3), the Board Will Meet in Closed Session for Discussion and Deliberation on Disciplinary Matters
20. Pursuant to Government Code Section 11126(a)(a), the Board Will Meet in Closed Session to Conduct an Evaluation of the Executive Officer
21. Adjournment
The mission of the California State Board of Optometry is to protect the health and safety of California consumers through licensing, education, and regulation of the practice of Optometry
Meetings of the California State Board of Optometry are open to the public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the open meeting act. Public comments will be taken on agenda items at the time the specific item is raised. Time limitations will be determined by the Chairperson. The Board may take action on any item listed on the agenda, unless listed as informational only. Agenda items may be taken out of order to accommodate speakers and to maintain a quorum.
NOTICE: The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Robert Stephanopoulos at (916) 575-7186, emailing a written request to or mailing a written request to that person at the California State Board of Optometry, 2450 Del Paso Road, Suite 105, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5) business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the requested accommodation.